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                                                                                                    Full scale laboratory facility
BTS ENG's R & D Center is located in EumSung city, Chungbuk, South Korea, and is conducting research on physical and mechanical properties of various materials with powder research facilities of the same size as industrial sites. On the other hand, we are trying to solve the fine dust that causes national and social problems by developing simultaneous Sox, Nox, and fine dust reduction devices that are generated during the incineration of the workplace. We will do our best to be a company that grows together with our customers through continuous technology development and eco-friendly and competitive products and services to create a better future and new value.


 PCS Test Bay Specifications 



Major R&D Facility Photo


    R&D Center Overview


    PCS Full Scale Laboratory Facility


    Sox,Nox,Fine Dust Removal Facility


    Air Compressor PKG


    Pneumatic Conveying Pipings


    Measurement & Analysis Room

Key Research Elements

  • bulk density

  • Wall friction test

  • Angle of repose

  • Gravity flow property testing


  • Pneumatic conveying test

  • Sox, Nox Gas Removal

  • Fine Dust Filtering